tokenomics & distribution
The FineTao protocol token is $FITAO.
Total supply: 5,000,000 (100%)
LP: 3,500,000 (70%) + 1 $ETH
Seed: 500,000 (10%)
Vesting: 250,000 (50% TGE) + 50% vested over on 7 days
Team: 500,000 (10%)
Vesting: 2 month cliff then linear vesting for 10 months
Marketing 500,000 (10%)
Launch price: $0.0011
Circ Market cap at launch: $3,850
FDV at launch: $5,500
Token taxes distribution:
20% marketing
35% to buy $WTAO for staking
30% Reserve towards the TAO Subnet
15% team
Last updated